My Little Airport- 在動物園散步才是正經事
好可愛的小女孩聲音呀,還有像電動玩具的配樂,一早聆聽My Little Airport, 整個房間都清爽明朗了起來,整個人都覺得好舒服,早晨也變得好可愛。
陳綺貞- 旅行的意義
Tizzy Bac - 夏季熱
2005年8月22日 星期一
2005年8月13日 星期六
Hernia Surgery
I just had a Hernia surgery on Thursday. I guess I am just not very lucky because they say 8 out of 10 people who have Hernia are male and they usually find out when they are child.
However, me, a 26 years old female, I found out my hernia about a month ago while I was taking shower. It was on the bottom right of my stomach. At first I was all panic because I thought it was a tumor! But it disapeared when I try to push it back or when I lay down. Immediately, I go online trying to search for more info, I found out that:
Hernia is so called 疝氣. It is kind of embarrassing having疝氣, especially for me because people always think it is a guy’s problem. So consciously, I feel awkward telling people that I have it. It’s just not something people will understand immediately. The response I got is always “I thought its only guy’s problem…” and one of my friend even feel so sorry for me because she thinks I can see and feel my intestine.
Another problem occurred was the complicated health insurance system in the great United States. It is the first time in 3 years I went to see a doctor. Therefore, I am completely new to this system. I found out that with the insurance plan I had, I have to pay $2000 deductible. For the next $5000, the insurance company pays 90% and I pay 10%. After that, they are resoinsible for the rest of the cost. I just wish I could have found out this earlier, but I got this the day before my surgery. My mom’s flight to here is only 8 hours away. I called her and she told me if I done it in Taiwan it only costs $100 dollars. But taking accounts of everything, it is better for me having surgery here than there…so I had surgery in the Great America, at the price of $2500 (probably more)
The surgery takes about 3 hours. The anesthesia is amazing that three minutes after the injection I am totally dead. The next thing I remember is that I wake up and the operation is done. The doctor said to me “you definitely have Hernia”. I said " yeah, so I didn't lie to you." Because I can’t make my hernia come out at his clinic so he is never able to see it.
Now I am relaxing in my apartment. Although sometimes the cut hurts like in hell, I get to rest for 5 days and have the best chicken soup my mom cooks for me ! yumyum. The wound is covered by a swab so I couldn’t tell how big it is. Hope it’s not too big so it won’t show when I wear my bikini!
However, me, a 26 years old female, I found out my hernia about a month ago while I was taking shower. It was on the bottom right of my stomach. At first I was all panic because I thought it was a tumor! But it disapeared when I try to push it back or when I lay down. Immediately, I go online trying to search for more info, I found out that:
“A hernia occurs when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are normally contained. These contents, usually portions of intestine or abdominal fatty tissue, are often enclosed in the thin membrane that naturally lines the inside of the cavity. Although the term hernia can be used for bulges in other areas, it most often is used to describe hernias of the lower torso (abdominal wall hernias).” ...... 看原文
Hernia is so called 疝氣. It is kind of embarrassing having疝氣, especially for me because people always think it is a guy’s problem. So consciously, I feel awkward telling people that I have it. It’s just not something people will understand immediately. The response I got is always “I thought its only guy’s problem…” and one of my friend even feel so sorry for me because she thinks I can see and feel my intestine.
Another problem occurred was the complicated health insurance system in the great United States. It is the first time in 3 years I went to see a doctor. Therefore, I am completely new to this system. I found out that with the insurance plan I had, I have to pay $2000 deductible. For the next $5000, the insurance company pays 90% and I pay 10%. After that, they are resoinsible for the rest of the cost. I just wish I could have found out this earlier, but I got this the day before my surgery. My mom’s flight to here is only 8 hours away. I called her and she told me if I done it in Taiwan it only costs $100 dollars. But taking accounts of everything, it is better for me having surgery here than there…so I had surgery in the Great America, at the price of $2500 (probably more)
The surgery takes about 3 hours. The anesthesia is amazing that three minutes after the injection I am totally dead. The next thing I remember is that I wake up and the operation is done. The doctor said to me “you definitely have Hernia”. I said " yeah, so I didn't lie to you." Because I can’t make my hernia come out at his clinic so he is never able to see it.
Now I am relaxing in my apartment. Although sometimes the cut hurts like in hell, I get to rest for 5 days and have the best chicken soup my mom cooks for me ! yumyum. The wound is covered by a swab so I couldn’t tell how big it is. Hope it’s not too big so it won’t show when I wear my bikini!
2005年8月4日 星期四
其實早就有要搬家的念頭了。我現在的公寓位在繁忙的Bleeker Street上,這裡是有名的觀光景點。離公寓不到三十歨路的地方就是有名的四角咖啡庭,向北走兩個街角就是華盛頓公園廣場,四處更是餐廳和酒吧林立。這裡的餐廳不到晚上三點是不打烊的,整條街一到假日就熱鬧滾滾來往人潮川流不息,我家公寓門口常常站滿了人,我有時候掏出鑰使開門還會有人奇怪得看著我哩 “Oh you live here?”
其實光就地點來講,這裡可真是黃金地段,北攻Union Square, 南守Soho,向東走到St. Mark吃日本料哩,往西又是著名的格林威治村,可是我已經再這裡住了一年了,我是個討厭一陳不變的人,一年來,我已經從每天出門臉上掛著個大微笑(路上行人看到我都會說Good Morning!),變成現在每天出門一張舖克牌臉。而且我已經厭煩沒有冷氣、晚上要帶耳塞、廚房裡有蟑螂、浴室浴缸積水、還有門把老是掉下來的生活了。我要換公寓!!
我跟我現在的室友,Xi (希)一個剛畢業在紐約找到工作的北京女孩,決定要一起找公寓。我們的目標是 “Luxurious apartment”,所謂Luxurious apartment就是新建/有中央空調/有室內健身房/有空中花園,呵呵~有這麼好的設備,價格通常也是讓你嚇一跳。價格主要還是看地區,最便宜的Luxurious apartment其實在Financial District,也就是在low Manhattan靠近Wall Street 和Ground Zero的地方,所以我跟希決定,找一間可以改成兩個房間的One bedroom apartment, 這樣兩個人分起來…..一個人大約$1000-$1200雖然還是很貴…..不過如果可以有良好的生活品質,我就每個月少買幾件衣服跟CD…..說什麼都願意租!
其實光就地點來講,這裡可真是黃金地段,北攻Union Square, 南守Soho,向東走到St. Mark吃日本料哩,往西又是著名的格林威治村,可是我已經再這裡住了一年了,我是個討厭一陳不變的人,一年來,我已經從每天出門臉上掛著個大微笑(路上行人看到我都會說Good Morning!),變成現在每天出門一張舖克牌臉。而且我已經厭煩沒有冷氣、晚上要帶耳塞、廚房裡有蟑螂、浴室浴缸積水、還有門把老是掉下來的生活了。我要換公寓!!
我跟我現在的室友,Xi (希)一個剛畢業在紐約找到工作的北京女孩,決定要一起找公寓。我們的目標是 “Luxurious apartment”,所謂Luxurious apartment就是新建/有中央空調/有室內健身房/有空中花園,呵呵~有這麼好的設備,價格通常也是讓你嚇一跳。價格主要還是看地區,最便宜的Luxurious apartment其實在Financial District,也就是在low Manhattan靠近Wall Street 和Ground Zero的地方,所以我跟希決定,找一間可以改成兩個房間的One bedroom apartment, 這樣兩個人分起來…..一個人大約$1000-$1200雖然還是很貴…..不過如果可以有良好的生活品質,我就每個月少買幾件衣服跟CD…..說什麼都願意租!
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