2006年2月25日 星期六
Before Sunrise and Before Sunset
Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are two of my favorite movies. People who have watched it are always moved by the conversations between Jesse and Celine, so natural and real that it seems like somehow somewhere, we have had this conversation with somebody in our lives. Finally, I got the book from Borders and spent this Saturday reading it, just to refresh my memory and pick the lines that I am most resonated......
Celine: I think I'm always so much more happy with books and movies and stuff. I think I'm more excited about well-done representations of life than life itself.
Jesse: People think love is this unselfish or totally giving thing. But if you think about it, there's probably nothing more selfish.
Celine: Yeah. When you start talking about women and men, there's no end.
Celine: Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.
Jesse: Once they'd more or less gotten used to their new situation, they were fundamentally the same as they were before.
Celine: I guess when you are young, you believe that you will meet many people with whom you'll connect with, ,but later in life you reliaze it only happened a few times.
Celine: It's almost like in a way I put all my romanticism into that one night and I was never able to feel all this again..
還記得這是在Before Sunset中Celine在車子裡歇斯底里的那段嗎,當時覺得好震撼,我也曾經也有過這種感覺,記憶好像就永遠停留在那段特定的時光,所有的力氣跟感覺,都在那段時光用盡,之後整個人就像閉關一樣,麻木。而那感覺要好久才會再回來,不過還好,不管再久,碰到對得的人,還是會回來的。
2006年2月21日 星期二
Sophipe Scholl - The Final Days
上個週末看了這部電影。Sophie Scholl和他的哥哥Hans是當時慕尼黑一個反西特勒的地下學生組織White Rose的主要成員,這部電影描述她們在學校秘密散發反西特勒傳單後被逮捕、審判到處死的過程。從逮捕到處決不到一個星期(17-22 February 1943),整部片突顯了 Sophie Scholl無比的勇氣,她在面對國家權威挑戰與攸關自己的性命之關頭,始終堅持著的正義。但另一面,看著與White Rose對比的監獄質問者和納粹大法官,卻讓人覺得可悲且充滿無力感,我想最糟糕的事莫過於人的思想被意識形態控制而不自知,但大部分的時候人們都覺得自己是在自由意識下“選擇”了某種想法,而不覺得自己是被控制的!但是即使自己選擇了某種想法,也要認清別人有選擇自己想法的自由。這部片子讓我體會到言論自由、自身反省、與尊重別人的重要性。電影獲得Academy Award 提名 Best Foreign Language Film,目前紐約只有Film Forum播放。
Sophie Scholl: The Final Days 網站
White Rose 相關資料
Sophie Scholl: The Final Days 網站
White Rose 相關資料
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