2013年3月12日 星期二


My first acrylic bracelet
暫從金銀銅鐵中解脫,這學起選修 Alternative Materials for Jewelry Making, 學如何用替代材料來做珠寶。之前就聽同學說這門課很棒,選修到現在四個禮拜了,才瞭解大家為什麼對這門課讚不絕口。

老師 Karen 約四十來歲,之前在Tiffany 待過,上課時總喜歡穿個繡有 Tiffany 的藍色工作外套,看起來威風,講起話來也威嚴。她教學時不苟言笑,常會用 F-word 警告學生,我永遠都不會忘記當我使用工具不當把 sanding drum 磨壞時,Karen 冷冷地看著我說 “
"Never Do This Again!" 的神情。我已經記不起來上次被老師罵是什麼時候了, 但我發誓有種寒毛顫慄的感覺。只是 Karen 一開起玩笑來又總是笑得最大聲,總能和學生打成一片, 學生對她又愛又恨。此外她每堂課必抽 30 分鐘親自示範作法並講解,讓我們一目了然, 是個非常敬業的女老師。

2013年3月5日 星期二

Yoga Practice - Chapter Continued...

The ends of teacher training marks a new beginning. Practice continues--

Today is my birthday.  I started my day with some yoga practice and bought myself a big cup of fresh squeezed vege juice as a gift.  I came to my office thinking about all the people I cared about.  My birthday wish is that they all find their inner piece and stay healthy and happy.  

I want to make more connection to all these beautiful souls, bring more love, joy and peacefulness towards them even though some of them are far far away.  I wish to have a calm mind and to be always content with myself even though we live in this crazy capitalism world and constantly undergo stimulation.  

It is a long way to go, but I trust it is a worthy one.  We all only live in this world and in this body once anyway.  Happy birthday to myself!