2006年11月22日 星期三


自從搬到新家後 越來越喜歡自己煮飯了 其實做飯沒有這麼難 不知道自己以前怎麼都把他想成天大的一回事 現在覺得只要克服心中懶惰因子 排除萬難去超市買菜 煮飯給自己和朋友吃 是很令人開心的 所以這是我第一次自己做豬排飯 我以前做菜都是盡量用水煮 因為省油鍋子也好洗 (我是懶人) 這是我第一次用油炸 把肉裹上麵粉 蛋液 麵包粉 感覺很好玩耶 我在楊桃文化上找到食譜 小心翼翼的按照步驟一個一個來 不過因為沒有量匙 醃肉的醬份量抓不準所以炸出來的豬排很鹹 還有不知道到底要炸多久 怕裡面不熟 所以顏色變得有深深的 下次要多注意 咖哩是在台灣的時候媽媽教的 所以一點問題都沒有很順利的就完成了 煮了一個小時 十分鐘就吃完了 最後洗碗又花了半個小時 唉唉 不能懶不能懶 下次還要做更多好吃的東西!!

I found myself more into cooking after I moved to this studio. Cooking is not that hard. I am not sure why I always think it as such a big deal. After all, as long as I am not being lazy and make some trips to supermarkets, cooking for my friends and myself is satisfying and amazing. So it is the first time I made this Japanese fried pork rice. Before, I always like to water-boil any kind of dishes because it saves oil and dish liquid. It's my first time trying to fry. Wrapping the sliced pork with flour, eggs and bread crumbs is actually fun! I found the recepi on YTower and follow the steps as carefully as I could. But becuase that I do not have any measure cups, I put too much salt into the meat so it got too salty. I guess I also fried it too long so the color turned out too dark. The curry is pretty nice. I learned it from my mom when I was in Taiwan so it turned out fine. So overall, the preparation took 1 hr, eating took 10 mins and washing dishes stook 30 mins. Oh wells, stop being a lazy bone Irene, got to cook more yummy dishes in the future!

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