Welcome to my yoga practice log -
Today is our graduation. Can't thank enough for the people around me through these three months. In the beginning of the training, our teachers said you are going to embark on a transformational journey. And it is. Not only because I practice yoga so much that my body becomes stronger, but also the wisdom words our teachers shared make my mind wide open. I still can not do head stand by myself in the middle of the room. But who cares? What I gained is beyond expected. Just thinking about the teachers I met, the friends I made, the books I read and the papers I wrote....what a rewarding experiences. It's sad that now it has come to an end. But like my very supportive husband said, the program has plant a seed in my heart. He is right. I will keep growing it and nurturing it because there is a long journey ahead of me. Jia Yo!
We talk about Pranayama, the control of energy today. Breath, food and water are the three major ways to get energy in yogi culture. That's why yogis are so into breathing exercise, go vegetarian and drinking pure water etc. There is definitely a focus of natural healing than taking medicine in yogis' perspectives.
Other things raise and decrease our energy are like sleep, exercise, emotions. Negative emotions such as anger, selfish, anxiety and hate bring down our energy. Generosity, hope, happiness and love raise our energy. We also need to associate ourself with the right people. Hanging out with someone who is all about me, I, self drains my energy. An unselfish and caring person always uplift my energy!
A side note, our teacher said there is a yogi in India that has not ate for 6 decades. If you want more report, you can simply type a yogi does not eat in google and a whole lot videos will show. Doctor said his body is functioning more like a plant now, taking in the energy of the sun and sustain.
In yoga culture, yogis see body as a temple, and keep it clean is essential. Not just through daily hygiene such as shower or dental floss, but through breathing, meditation, asanas. Through these practices, Yogis clean the emotions, mind and internal body. We learned many breathing techniques today. Normal people breath 20,160 times a days. But how many of them are mindful breath? A slowly steady breath helps us calm the mind and distress. So when you have too many thoughts in your mind and can't hardly focus or sleep, just need to remind yourself - keep breathing - a slowly steady breathing.