Welcome to my yoga practice log -
Today is our graduation. Can't thank enough for the people around me through these three months. In the beginning of the training, our teachers said you are going to embark on a transformational journey. And it is. Not only because I practice yoga so much that my body becomes stronger, but also the wisdom words our teachers shared make my mind wide open. I still can not do head stand by myself in the middle of the room. But who cares? What I gained is beyond expected. Just thinking about the teachers I met, the friends I made, the books I read and the papers I wrote....what a rewarding experiences. It's sad that now it has come to an end. But like my very supportive husband said, the program has plant a seed in my heart. He is right. I will keep growing it and nurturing it because there is a long journey ahead of me. Jia Yo!
We talk about Pranayama, the control of energy today. Breath, food and water are the three major ways to get energy in yogi culture. That's why yogis are so into breathing exercise, go vegetarian and drinking pure water etc. There is definitely a focus of natural healing than taking medicine in yogis' perspectives.
Other things raise and decrease our energy are like sleep, exercise, emotions. Negative emotions such as anger, selfish, anxiety and hate bring down our energy. Generosity, hope, happiness and love raise our energy. We also need to associate ourself with the right people. Hanging out with someone who is all about me, I, self drains my energy. An unselfish and caring person always uplift my energy!
A side note, our teacher said there is a yogi in India that has not ate for 6 decades. If you want more report, you can simply type a yogi does not eat in google and a whole lot videos will show. Doctor said his body is functioning more like a plant now, taking in the energy of the sun and sustain.
In yoga culture, yogis see body as a temple, and keep it clean is essential. Not just through daily hygiene such as shower or dental floss, but through breathing, meditation, asanas. Through these practices, Yogis clean the emotions, mind and internal body. We learned many breathing techniques today. Normal people breath 20,160 times a days. But how many of them are mindful breath? A slowly steady breath helps us calm the mind and distress. So when you have too many thoughts in your mind and can't hardly focus or sleep, just need to remind yourself - keep breathing - a slowly steady breathing.
Having a business trip at Miami. Flew in and out in the same day. I didn't waste anytime when I was on the plane, rehearsing all the sequences and instructions I prepared for my class.
I read it in Yoga Sutra last night and really like it:
"Opposites meet; extreme look alike. A top that is not rotating is motionless. The same top at its highest velocity also looks motionless. Lack of light is darkness. Keep on increasing the light, you can get darkness again. A totally sattvic person appears to be veery quiet; a totally tamasic one is also quiet."
A very lazy person and a very active person can both have calm minds. But you would expect yourself to be the later one.
Tonight I assisted in a class. "Assist" means that I land my loving hands on my classmates. The studio does not want us to touch other students but want us to have hands on experience, hence the rule. Some people might not feel comfortable touching people, but not me! I love giving assists in asana poses.
We all remember when we are in downward facing dog, a pair of gentle loving hands pushing into our PSIS to help stretching the lower back. Or when we are in forward bend, our teacher use her body weight to ground us so our face can touch the shin. Or in Shavasana, s/he firms our shoulders to maximize the relaxation. Today the classmate I assisted is a Pilates teacher. After our class, she gave me many tips to enhance my assisting skills. She said she is happy because through my touching, she felt loved!
After yesterday's 7 hour yoga, I didn't want to do yoga today. I finished two papers required for my training. One is my thought about a book- Gita Widsoms, which I find very difficult to write. The other one is about an Asana. I really enjoy writing this one. I write downward facing dog. This is the pose that evolved the most since the beginning of my yoga practice. This pose taught me where ever I am, it's perfect. No need to rush for the result, just need to enjoy the process. I will posted here sometime to share with you all!
Ana Forrest, Acroyoga, Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga!! Today we did 7 hours of yoga, 4 classes back to back. I experienced a lot of my "first" today! First time doing plank pose on top of another person. First time dancing ( or just crazily moving my body) with 27 people in a dark yoga room. In the end of the day, body is extremely exhausted but mind is extreme high. And this goes the 9th week of our training.... Next week is the last one.
We taught our sequence to each other in the morning. I was pretty frustrated that I didn't bring my sequence note! But in the end I remembered all my sequence. That's pretty amazing comparing to me teaching in the 1st week. Afternoon we learns chakra with Yogi Charu. It's interesting to learn ancient yogi's understanding of how mind, body and soul connects.
So yoga business is the main topic today. In the beginning of my practice, My intent was to deepen my practice. Never thought that I would be able to teach. But Through out the training, I began to like to share what I learnt with my friends and families. Jonathan, my husband has been my student over the past three months. It feels good to see another person glows and smiles throughout the practice you gave them. A very rewarding experience!
I finally understand what that pain underneath my butt is. I teared my hamstring! My teacher said where I feel the pain is probably where my hamstring and sit bone connects. It's easier to tear this part of hamstring than any other because it is much thinner. Looking back, I think I did over-stretched my right leg when in triangle and side angle pose. Good news is that I can still practice yoga! Just that I need to be more aware of the injured area and adjust my poses. I remember a teacher just said sometimes an injury makes you grow in practice. I will try to think it as a blessing in disguise. Practicing with awareness.
Observed two class tonight. Running into many classmates in the studio. Two weeks away to our graduation. Everyone is trying really hard to complete the 60 hours request.
Wow it's December.
Today we three folded our blanket and use a strap to attach it in front of our belly. Why? Because before teaching pregnant woman how to do yoga, we have to experience it ourselves. And the fact is it's really hard! I can not forward bend cause my belly is in the way. It's hard to stay in plank because the belly weight is pulling my back. It's also hard to do chataranga because I easily crushed into my belly. And in just a 15 minutes practice my body feel fatigued. It's not a easy job to be pregnant for sure! But thank god our teacher provided adjustment for every pose to make doing yoga enjoyable for pregnant woman. I am really curious how "yoga for 2" will be. I will definitely try it when I am pregnant :P
How to teach people with disabilities yoga? Or how to teach Seniors yoga? I feel ashamed that I never thought about this before. Being exposed to yoga at a young and healthy stage, I always thought everyone can do yoga without realizing that it's actually a privilege. In today's training John taught us how to leverage a wall or chair to make asanas more accessible to everyone. I thought about my mom. She said she felt better not doing yoga than do yoga. Maybe yoga is not for her. But I still hope to teach her myself one day.
Taken My Sore class in the morning. Observed two classes in the evening. One thing I will strongly believe after this training is that if you really want to accomplish one thing, you can always find time. In one class observed in the evening, I find voice is so important to a yoga teacher. Through voice you personality shine through which makes a connection with the students. A gentle yet passionate voice makes students calmed, cared about, excited and encouraged. Sitting in a hot room with 1 teacher, 1 assistant, 2 observers and maybe 50 students, it is indeed a big yoga party. And just observing makes me sweat!
There is a harp in front of the class right by teacher's yoga mat tonight. Under the tilted roof and dimmed light, it felt like a concert hall, just that all the seats were replaced with yoga mats. An old man played the harp, the melody is so beautiful and shooting. In Shavasanah , when the melody was companied with our teacher's vocal, I felt there was a stream of warm water slowly flowing through my body. When yoga is combined with music, life is beautiful.
Back to my early morning My Sore routine. Thought it's gonna be a freezing day but the temperature is surprisingly nice early morning - just cold enough to keep me moving. By the way, the class cured my neck sprain this morning when I woke up, which is kinda nice. Going to observe a beginner class tonight. Beginners are the most difficult animal to teach (sorry!) I really want to thank all my teachers when I was a beginner. They are marvelous in keeping me enthusiastic about yoga, mentally and physically. Thank you :)
Might be because of the weekend hot pot or the Thanksgiving feast, I heard the alarm went off but didn't want to wake up....so I missed my morning My Sore class. Continue reading Gita Wisdoms and found this great words that I want to share with you :) Those who are content with little, envy no one, and are unshaken by either success or failure, such souls are already free of all karmic consequences.
First time teaching yoga to my two beloved friends. Very thankful for their advice. I hope I can be a better teacher one day!
Post Thanksgiving day, no yoga day.
Two classes today, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. I learned how to do the "rocker" pose right (sorry I forgot the correct name)! The flipped leg, heel is off the ground and the other leg should be straight, not bend!
No yoga on Turkey day....
I finally tried Neti Pod. Apparently yogis use this to clean their nasal. Our teacher said modern people floss their teeth, yogis floss their nasal to breath better. Air definitely feels fresher after I use it. I went to My Sore again this morning. Ashley was there too. She has been there everyday since 6:10 to practice even before the teacher comes. She said she will never start a day without it, with a big smile and glittering eyes.
Attended David's My Sore class at 7:00am. What I like about My Sore is that through repetition, you remember all the sequence. Once it's learned and inside your body, it's with you, you can do it anywhere, anytime.
I didn't do any yoga today....
Learned Sanskrit in the morning and chanted new mantra with the teacher. Her name is Nichole, a very sweet person with a beautiful voice and personality. She also shared with us her views about recent yoga scandals, gurus, personal experiences which was very helpful.
Afternoon practice with Adam. I did my first hand stand (against the wall) today!! I am so excited cause I never thought I had the strength to do it! The view upside down is just amazing.
Assisting! We learned how to assist student to feel better in a pose such as DWFD, Triangle pose, chair pose, and Shavasana! The assists I learned for Shavasana is amazing. It made a relaxing pose even more relaxed....
I woke up at 5:30 today. I have never waken up so early for a yoga class so this sets a new record for me. However with a strong body and clear mind, I felt refreshing. In David's class, I did probably 30 vinyasa - a mini series of chaturanga, upward facing dog, downward facing dog. The vinyasa was in between different poses, between left and right....I have never done so many vinyasa in a class. There are also many poses that require lotus position. Feel blessed to be there to start my Friday!
"Working with the beginner" class tonight. It is a lot harder to work with beginner than to work with advanced student!
Yoga Nidra - the art of conscious relaxation - is still like a mystery to me. I don't know how to relax my body but keep my mind focus. When I am really relaxed, I just fell to Delta, or my mind wanders to somewhere......but in the end of the class, I did feel super super relaxed...
And had a chance to ask Charu about the relationship of Arjuna and Krishna in a book called Gita Wisdoms. So They are not married, they are both Man, Arjuna is married to Krishna's sister......I don't know why I thought they are married? My English listening comprehensive sucks
In Tanya's class, she said "Jump back to Chaturanga and Walk back to plank". Jump back to plank will jam up your joints so is a nono.
Continue reading of Gita Wisdom. Attended Lori's class - the most complicated 360 sequence ever.....and of course very tired at the end of the class.
No training today, went to David's My Sore from 8:30 to 10:15am. Today he taught me all standing poses.
AM's yoga philosophy class makes me think. Afternoon practice teaching to a classmate 2nd time. Not as scary as yesterday. 1 kick and my legs are up against the wall for head stand. Yay!
First time practice teaching to a classmate in class. I was so nervous.
Took Adam's class. I really need to work on straightening my legs when doing downward facing dog!
Jonathan became my first student in the evening. And I realized.....It is so difficult to give instruction to a beginner than an intermediate!
Early morning Ashtanga practice. Start drafting the flow of my yoga class this afternoon.
7:00am at My Sore class at Pure. In the middle of our practice session, teacher said: There is a sutra in 5th book of Yoga Sutra: Do yoga and vote! Yes today is the Presidential Election Day!
No yoga for me today. My arms are so tired while hammering that piece of copper in my metalwork class. Hammering = Meditating = Keep mind serene
Forearm stand against the wall, checked. Hand stand, need major help. Learned a beautiful story of Gita Wisdom. We all have two Dharmas, physical and spiritual. Everyone's spiritual Dharma is LOVE. I am still searching my physical Dharma.
I can finally do head stand against the wall, going up by myself. What a breakthrough!
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