家裡有本我小時候的相簿, 存放我從剛出生到幼稚園的照片, 相簿的封裡媽媽親手謄了一首詩, 不記得詩的內容了, 只記得詩名好像是嬰兒之歌 by 泰戈爾。之前沒什麼感覺, 但懷孕之後偶然想起, 覺得當初媽媽親手寫下這首長長的詩時, 內心一定充滿了初為人母的喜悅。
剛知道自己懷孕時, 也上網買了一本泰戈爾詩集, 裡面收錄的全是和寶寶有關的詩, 我很喜歡下面這首, 特別是 If baby only wanted to, he could fly up to heaven this moment, 是呀, 她可以隨時飛走, 可是她選擇留下來了, 在我的肚子裡, 分享我的養份和歡笑, 每次讀到這, 心中就充滿了感激, 謝謝我的寶貝, 讓我有做媽媽的機會, 把這首詩分享給大家。
Baby's Way by Rabindranath Tagore
If baby only wanted to, he could fly up to heaven this moment.
It is not for nothing that he does not leave us.
He loves to rest his head on mother's bosom, and cannot ever bear to lose sight of her.
Baby know all manner of wise words, though few on earth can understand their meaning.
He loves to rest his head on mother's bosom, and cannot ever bear to lose sight of her.
Baby know all manner of wise words, though few on earth can understand their meaning.
It is not for nothing that he never wants to speak.
The one thing he wants is to learn mother's words from mother's lips.
The one thing he wants is to learn mother's words from mother's lips.
That is why he looks so innocent.
Baby had a heap of gold and pearls, yet he came like a beggar on to this earth.
Baby had a heap of gold and pearls, yet he came like a beggar on to this earth.
It is not for nothing he came in such a disguise.
This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterlyhelpless,
This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterlyhelpless,
so that he may beg for mother's wealth of love.
Baby was so free from every tie in the land of the tiny crescent moon.
Baby was so free from every tie in the land of the tiny crescent moon.
It was not for nothing he gave up his freedom.
He knows that there is room for endless joy in mother's littlecorner of a heart,
He knows that there is room for endless joy in mother's littlecorner of a heart,
and it is sweeter far than liberty to be caught and pressed in her dear arms.
Baby never knew how to cry. He dwelt in the land of perfect bliss.
Baby never knew how to cry. He dwelt in the land of perfect bliss.
It is not for nothing he has chosen to shed tears.
Though with the smile of his dear face he draws mother's yearning heart to him,
yet his little cries over tiny troubles weave the double bond of pity and love.