2005年6月23日 星期四

March of The Penguins


March of the Penguins是由華納電影國家地理頻道一同出資拍攝的紀錄片。也是人類第一次深入南極拍攝帝王企鵝的遷徙活動。第一次在電影院裡看到預告片,所有的觀眾都笑翻了。看著一隻隻的圓滾滾的帝王企鵝排成一直線行走、尋找伴侶、互相取暖、躲閉風雪、照顧小企鵝,穿著黑色西裝的他們,感覺真像人類社會的小小縮影,有種熟悉的感覺。







2005年6月20日 星期一


好羨慕好忌妒,我也要看愛的魔幻啦。最近上網不管逛到哪裡都看到這個消息,就是愛的魔幻要到台灣舉辦演唱會了。沒有想到她們變得這麼紅。記得三年前從台灣到美國,我精挑細選了幾張CD伴我同行,愛的魔幻 Greatest Hits 就是其中一張。其實我從來就沒有聽懂她們在唱什麼,從來沒有。可是那夾雜著英文和日文的歌詞,怎麼聽起來就是這麼順暢,這麼有勁,這麼有味道,讓我每次聽到都忍不住想跳舞。還有女主唱那低沉性感的聲音呀,有時候聽起來好像在抱怨咕噥些什麼,正巧宣洩我埋藏在心裡怨恨,有的時候聽起來又一派瀟灑自在,撫慰我的心靈。這些感覺,第一次聽的時候如此,昨天再拿出來聽亦然。唉唉,不知道下次回台灣是什麼時候,一定要把她們的CD補買回來。盼望她們紅到美國來,也來紐約開個演唱會。

2005年6月17日 星期五

Friday Night, Movie Night

Recently, Friday night becomes my movie night. Not only that, I found myself living in a great neighborhood. Cause within 10 mins walking distance, there are Film Forum, Angelika Cinemas, IFC center. Different from the giant movie theater chain, each of them has its own specialties and personalities. I happen to see one great movie at each of the theater.

Me and You and Everyone We Know

Actually, I just got back from the theater. Today is a special day for both the director, Miranda July and IFC center. Cause IFC center is re-opening today with Miranda July's first movie. In the beginning of the movie, both IFC theater founder and Miranda July stood in front of the audience and made a short speech. Miranda even had a short Q and A session after the movie.

Though based on the name, the characters should be like you, me and everybody we know, that ordinary and dull. However, through the eyes of Miranda July, random people’s life is actually full of surprise. We are so indulged in our everyday life that forgets how interesting sometimes those mundane things are. Conversations between these characters are so plain yet so true that it reminds me of myself, especially the angriness, doubtness and happiness within me everyday from the moment I wake up.

By the way, Miranda July is so cool. I like her from the first sight. She looked so skinny jsut like in the movie. But she sounds so convincing and determined when she speaks.

Saving Face

This movie makes me laugh from beginning to end. It is a story about the process of identity searching among Asian American immigrants, the gap between the first and the second generation, and a battle between mother and daughter. Most excitingly is that the background is in New York, especially Asian communities concentration areas such as Flushing and Chinatown. The main characters are the daughter, and her mom. They both have their own secrets (the daughter is lesbian and her mom is divorced but got pregnant by a mysterious guy she’s in love with). They both are isolated from their families, societies and there is a huge gap and silence between them.

Most of the characters speak Mandarin so I feel I am a little bit luckier than other audience because I am able to get all the jokes. The love story between the daughter and her girlfriend is so genuine and touching that's my favorite part of the story. The film unavoidably shows stereotypes of Chinese especially on the first generation. However, it is somewhat true and reminds me of my parents and relatives (that's whawt makes it fun!)

Mysterious Skin

I know this would be a depressing story before watching it. However, my friend told me about the great soundtrack featuring slowdive music especially that Sigur Ros’s music appearing at the climax of the movie. So I went. It turns out that I was not only found of the music, but also the beautiful cinematography.

It’s so sad to see how this terrible experience of their childhood haunted their lives. Towards the end, they finally go back to the house of that terrible night. They cuddled in the sofa describing to each other what happened on that night, and here comes Sigur Ros’s music....then I remember the music and the boy's face last in my mind till I got home. Such a powerful movie...